
Do You Fix Your Own Electronics or Send Them Out?

Do You Fix Your Own Electronics or Send Them Out?

It All Depends If the broken product has a hardware issue, they'll send it out for repair, but if it's a software-related issue, they'll fix it themselves.

How To Pin All Admin Tools To The Start Screen In Windows 8
Alternatively, you can also press Windows + I hotkey to see the Settings charm. Step 2 Under Settings, click or tap Tiles and then enable the option n...
Difference Between Windows 8
Windows 8.1 provides more colors and backgrounds for the Start Screen compared to Windows 8. Windows Store is more enhanced in Windows 8.1 than Window...
How To View Apps Size In Windows 8
On the PC settings screen, click Search and apps. Under Search and apps, in the left pane, click App sizes. The App sizes screen displays with a progr...