
How to Do IP Address Geolocation Lookups on Linux

How to Do IP Address Geolocation Lookups on Linux
  1. How do I find the geolocation of an IP address?
  2. How do I find the location of a Linux server?
  3. How do I get a list of IP address in Linux?
  4. What is the best IP geolocation API?
  5. How accurate is a IP address?
  6. Can IP address show location?
  7. How do I trace a server?
  8. How do I find ipconfig in Linux?
  9. How do I find my hostname in Linux?
  10. What is my IP from command line?
  11. How do I find my geolocation API key?
  12. What is IP API?
  13. Is Google geolocation API free?

How do I find the geolocation of an IP address?

IP Geolocation API is free and easy to use and comes under MIT license. Just send HTTP GET request to with different parameters and get the JSON result. For example, the following HTTP GET request will give you a location of the specified IP address.

How do I find the location of a Linux server?

How to Find Linux Server Geographic Location in Terminal

  1. Install Curl and jq. To get the IP address geographic location of the server, we need to install curl command line downloader and jq command-line tool to process the JSON data from the geolocation APIs. ...
  2. Find the Server's Public IP Address. ...
  3. Get IP Location Data From The API. ...
  4. Automate API Call using Bash Script.

How do I get a list of IP address in Linux?

The following commands will get you the private IP address of your interfaces:

  1. ifconfig -a.
  2. ip addr (ip a)
  3. hostname -I | awk 'print $1'
  4. ip route get 1.2. ...
  5. (Fedora) Wifi-Settings→ click the setting icon next to the Wifi name that you are connected to → Ipv4 and Ipv6 both can be seen.
  6. nmcli -p device show.

What is the best IP geolocation API?

How accurate is a IP address?

IP-to-Location Accuracy

And they provide 50 percent to 75 percent accuracy for a user's city. In practice, the actual accuracy may vary from provider to provider and depending on the location of the device.

Can IP address show location?

The IP address routes internet traffic to your computer. To clarify, it does not reveal your location. If someone was able to get your IP address they could learn a bit about your internet service, such as which provider you use to connect to the internet, but they really can't locate you, your home, or your office.

How do I trace a server?

To run traceroute on Windows:

  1. Open the command prompt. Go to Start > Run. ...
  2. In the command prompt, type: tracert hostname. ...
  3. You may have to wait up to a minute or more for the test to complete. ...
  4. Send us the complete results (every line) for analysis.

How do I find ipconfig in Linux?

One way is to use the ifconfig command. ifconfig is a command line program that configures network interfaces on Linux. The above command checks all the active network interfaces, then filters for the TCP/IP interface, and finally filters the output for the local IP address. The final output is your private IP address.

How do I find my hostname in Linux?

The procedure to find the computer name on Linux:

  1. Open a command-line terminal app (select Applications > Accessories > Terminal), and then type:
  2. hostname. hostnamectl. cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname.
  3. Press [Enter] key.

What is my IP from command line?

First, click on your Start Menu and type cmd in the search box and press enter. A black and white window will open where you will type ipconfig /all and press enter. There is a space between the command ipconfig and the switch of /all. Your ip address will be the IPv4 address.

How do I find my geolocation API key?

Creating API keys

  1. Go to the APIs & Services > Credentials page. Go to the Credentials page.
  2. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key.
  3. Click Close. The new API key is listed on the Credentials page under API keys.

What is IP API?

The service automates IP address validation and geolocation lookup and offers more than 45 data references per processed IP address, such as location, connection, currency, time zone and security attached to a given IP address.

Is Google geolocation API free?

Google Maps Platform offers a free $200 monthly credit for Maps, Routes, and Places (see Billing Account Credits). ... Note that the Maps Embed API, Maps SDK for Android, and Maps SDK for iOS currently have no usage limits and are free (usage of the API or SDKs is not applied against your $200 monthly credit).

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